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Disability-Rights Groups See "Tropic Thunder," Mortified By "Retard" Jokes

simplejackposter.jpgAs planned, several disability-rights advocates saw Tropic Thunder this morning, and, yes, it offended them.

"It confirmed my great fears, and there was more offensive material than I had originally thought," said Gail Williamson, executive director of the Down Syndrome Association of Los Angeles. "[There is] more offensive material against those with intellectual disabilities than any other group."

Williamson is participating in tonight's protest of the film's Los Angeles premiere along with Special Olympics chairman Tim Shriver and Peter Berns, executive director of the Arc of the United States, both of whom have been leading the charge against the portrayal of mentally disabled individuals in Tropic Thunder.

One thing that has not occurred as scheduled yet is the post-screening phone call between DreamWorks and the disability-rights advocates, although more meetings between both sides are planned.

Nonetheless, there may not have been much the studio could have done to prevent tonight's action. Even though DreamWorks publicity head Chip Sullivan told the New York Times that no cuts to the film would be made, Williamson noted that the edits they wanted might not have been possible.

"If they’d made cuts, we might not have to make a statement," she said. "But I don’t know if they would have been able to make all of the cuts we wanted, because it's a substantial part of the film."

See Also: DreamWorks "Retard" Scandal Grows: "R Word" Is Declared "Hate Speech"
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